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Vaginal Rejuvenation, Viveve Non-Invasive Vaginal Tightening

viveve vaginal rejuvenation treatment los angeles sherman oaks

Vaginal Tightening Treatment

After vaginal childbirth and menopause, many women experience decreased physical sensation and sexual satisfaction during intercourse. Many women experience some level of concern with vaginal laxity and is a real health concern that can affect the overall quality of life.

Thanks to Viveve, women can now address this problem without surgery. Changes in the vaginal region are common after vaginal delivery, but may also be due to the natural aging process.

Viveve is a minimally invasive vaginal rejuvenation treatment that uses radio frequency (RF) energy to treat vaginal laxity. It also treats other feminine health concerns such as vaginal dryness and reduced sensation during intercourse, which are problems often faced by women approaching menopause. Viveve is a simple, comfortable procedure that only takes 30 minutes, and does not require any type of anesthesia.

How Viveve Vaginal Rejuvenation Works

Viveve uses cryogen-cooled monopolar radiofrequency (CMRF) technology to deliver heat to the underlying tissues of the vaginal wall while protecting the superficial vaginal tissues and surrounding structures. The laser energy regenerates the collagen fibers, and this strengthens and thickens the vaginal tissue. The restorative process will continue in the months that follow, as fresh, new collagen is produced.

There is no downtime after treatment, so patients are free to resume regular activities immediately following the procedure.

“Together, we’ll find a way” is our promise to you. Speak with one of our fertility experts to discuss your personal circumstances and learn more about your infertility treatment options; don’t hesitate to contact the West Coast Women’s Reproductive Center at 818-986-1648 or make an appointment.

Some women may be unsure whether they are in need of rejuvenation at all! In some cases, this could be because you genuinely don’t need a rejuvenation treatment. In other cases, however, women have been known to minimize their symptoms, assuming them to be a “natural” part of aging and thus something they must simply learn to live with. And while, as a society, we talk a lot about other signs of aging, like wrinkles or menopause, we don’t often think about the effects of aging on the vagina.

The good news is that you’re not alone in suffering these effects. The even better news is that you don’t have to live with them. Some of the signs of aging you may notice include a growing dryness to the vagina, making sex less pleasurable. Sometimes this dryness even makes it uncomfortable to wear certain clothing.

As we age, the vagina may also atrophy or become looser and sag. Stretched and thin vaginal walls become loose, making sex less satisfying and reducing sensitivity. This, in turn, can make it difficult, if not impossible, to have an orgasm, and orgasms themselves can be less intense. Another sign you may be suffering from vaginal aging is bladder leakage or stress urinary incontinence.

Any woman who is bothered by any of the issues discussed above can be considered an ideal candidate for a vaginal rejuvenation procedure. Childbirth, age, and menopause can all contribute to laxity and other issues.

One of the best ways to know if this is the treatment for you is to ask yourself some questions. If you can say yes to any of these, there’s a good chance that vaginal rejuvenation may be right for you:

  • Are you experiencing urine leakage when you sneeze, laugh, or move suddenly?
  • Are you a mother who has given birth?
  • Do you find yourself lacking confidence in the bedroom of late? 
  • Is sex less enjoyable and satisfying than it once was? 
  • Do you find it more difficult to have an orgasm, and are orgasms less satisfying?
  • Do your intimate areas feel stretched and less tight than they used to be? 
  • Are you looking for a way to improve your vaginal health without expensive surgical procedures? 
  • Are you displeased or self-conscious about the look of your vagina as you have aged? 
  • Do you find certain clothes or activities uncomfortable because of a stretched labia? 
  • Do you have trouble with dryness in your intimate areas, making sex less comfortable or even painful?
  • Are you in perimenopause, menopause, or post-menopause and experiencing symptoms such as laxity, dryness, and reduced pleasure?

All of the above are signs that you might be a good candidate for Viveve treatment. Because it uses your own body to do all the rejuvenation, it’s a powerful way to improve your life and vaginal health no matter what stage of life you’re in.

One contraindication is if you have an implanted medical device that could be affected by the radiofrequency energy of this treatment. If you have a pacemaker or an AICD (Automatic Implantable Cardioverter/Defibrillator), be sure to tell us. We can help you find another way to achieve the results you desire.

The Viveve vaginal rejuvenation procedure is not painful. Although the temperature rises to 51 degrees Celsius during treatment, Viveve has a cryogen cooling component that keeps the surface of the vagina cool while the deep tissue layers are being treated. This ensures that the treatment stays comfortable throughout.

After treatment, you don’t have to avoid sex for weeks, and you don’t have to set aside time for a recovery period, take pain medications, or do anything else out of the ordinary. All you have to do is enjoy relief as your body rejuvenates itself.

One of the best things about Viveve is that where other similar treatments often require two or three treatments to get the best results, with Viveve, you only need one.

There is no long downtime or recovery period needed following your Viveve procedure. This means you don’t have to worry about getting a lot of time off of work, finding someone to care for your home or children for an extended period, or even worry about getting out of shape from missing the gym for weeks. This treatment is easy for just about any woman to fit into a busy lifestyle.

You’ll notice some results immediately as your tissues tighten in response to the heat, but the real magic happens over the course of the next few weeks. Most women notice a tightening of the vaginal canal within 24 hours. The other benefits, like better lubrication, increased bladder control, and greater sensitivity, will develop over the next few weeks. Full results show up for most women at about the two- to three-month mark.

As your collagen levels pick up, your pelvic floor muscles will strengthen. This means less trouble with urine leakage and greater satisfaction with sex. More collagen also means more blood flow, leading to greater sensitivity and tighter, fuller tissues.

All this happens naturally as your body engages the healing processes it already knows how to use. All you have to do is sit back and let your body do its job.

The results of treatment with Viveve usually last about 12 months, making it one of the longer-lasting treatments in the cosmetic world. If you pursue a maintenance treatment every year, you can expect to keep up your results indefinitely.

There are a few things that can undo your results, such as a vaginal birth. However, in general, living a generally healthy lifestyle will be the best way to keep your results fresh for as long as possible.

Because this treatment doesn’t involve any invasive procedures, nor does it inject anything into the body, there are virtually no risks for allergic reactions or side effects. It has been proven safe and effective in both clinical trials and real-world applications since it was developed.

This treatment triggers collagen and elastin production to strengthen and thicken the tissues of your vaginal area naturally, so there’s no risk of side effects, infection, rejection issues, allergies, or anything else that can come with other treatments. You’re putting nothing foreign into your body, and there are no chemicals or medications involved.

There really is no “best time” for treatment. The only reasons you might delay treatment are if you are menstruating or pregnant. If you are menstruating, simply postpone treatment until the end of your cycle. If you are currently pregnant or planning to become pregnant in the near future, we advise you to wait until after childbirth to get your treatment. This is because a vaginal birth is likely to undo the benefits of vaginal rejuvenation.

Most insurance plans don’t cover a treatment like Viveve if it’s done for aesthetic purposes only. In some cases, rejuvenation can be considered medically necessary, but come talk to us about your options. Before treatment, it’s always a good idea to talk with your insurance provider so you know where you stand.

5 Key Benefits Of Vaginal Rejuvenation

The term “vaginal rejuvenation” may just sound like a passing fad, but in reality, it is a non-invasive treatment that can greatly improve a woman’s quality of life.

Improved Sexual Satisfaction

There are plenty of reasons that sex might not be as satisfying as it once was, and a lot of them have to do with the normal experiences of womanhood. Over time, our tissues tend to become lax and loose. Blood flow is restricted, and we just don’t enjoy the sensitivity that once made sex so easy and fun. Hormonal imbalances, menopause, pregnancy, aging, and childbirth can cause thinning of the vaginal walls.

Vaginal rejuvenation involves tightening the inner and outer tissues in that area. This heightens sensations and pleasure for both you and your partner. Due to the added collagen after this procedure, pain during intercourse that was being caused by the thinning of the vaginal walls can be reduced or even eliminated.

This treatment can get you back on track in every way. It restores tissues so you have a tight and sensitive vagina and labia again, with increased blood flow. And since it does this naturally, this isn’t a temporary change. You’ll enjoy long-lasting results and an improved sexual experience for you and your partner.

Improvement In Vaginal Laxity After Childbirth

Ideally, our vaginal tissues would go right back to normal immediately after childbirth, but the truth is often less simple. Sometimes tissues just don’t go back to normal, and the more children you have, the more difficulty your body has in getting you back to your previous “normal.”

As mentioned, this can lead to reduced sexual sensitivity, but that’s not all. Lax tissues can get in the way of exercise. They can make it uncomfortable to wear certain clothes. They can make you self-conscious about the way you look, interfering with relationships. As quickly as 8 to 12 weeks after childbirth, though, you can receive treatment with Viveve and get back to feeling like yourself.

Reduction of Urinary Incontinence

Although many women would rather not discuss it, urinary incontinence is actually quite common after childbirth and as a result of menopause. As the muscles of the pelvic floor get thinner and weaker, they let urine through when you sneeze, laugh, cough, or sometimes even exercise.

With the collagen produced by vaginal rejuvenation, the muscle tissue in the area becomes tighter and more toned. By strengthening the pelvic floor, both stress and urge urinary incontinence can be reduced or even stopped altogether.

Better Self-Esteem

For many women, vaginal laxity can cause a certain degree of embarrassment. Having vaginal rejuvenation can get the most intimate part of your body functioning at its best, leading to a boost of self-esteem in the bedroom.

Reduction in Pain

Some women suffer from discomfort or even pain in their vagina when they are not engaging in sexual intercourse. This is often due to trauma to the area due to childbirth or surgery. Vaginal rejuvenation can repair the damage and scarring by prompting your body to heal itself by producing more collagen. Additionally, vaginal laxity can result in dryness, which can be quite uncomfortable. A procedure aimed at rejuvenating the vagina can help increase natural lubrication.

What To Expect From a Vaginal Rejuvenation Treatment?

The first time you come to see us, we’ll sit down for a consultation that lets us assess whether this is the right treatment for you. This should be a frank and open conversation, but also an entirely discreet and professional one.

We’ll talk about your expectations and goals, gather some medical history from you, and find out if you’re currently working through any medical conditions or taking any medications or supplements. We’ll also want to know if you’ve ever been pregnant or if you’re planning to get pregnant.

Depending on where you are in your normal routine of exams and tests, we may ask you to complete certain lab tests or exams to be sure this is a good treatment for you.

There’s not a lot you need to do in order to be ready for treatment, but following a few rules will allow you to enjoy the best possible results. Once we meet you in person and go over your unique situation, there may be instructions especially applicable to your situation, but in general, we ask everyone to do a few things.

First, you’ll get the best results if you avoid alcohol, tobacco, and caffeine for 24 hours before your treatment. You’ll also give your body a boost if you drink plenty of water for the two or three days before having treatment. We also ask you to shave the treatment area before coming and to reschedule your appointment if you start menstruating.

On the day of treatment, you’ll have the best experience if you wear loose, comfy clothes and avoid using any lotions or perfumes in the treatment area. You won’t have to worry about finding someone to drive you home or taking time off from work: you’ll be fine to drive yourself and to resume most of your regular schedule.

This treatment just takes about 30 minutes, and it’s all done right in our office on an outpatient basis.

We use the Viveve device, a non-invasive, radiofrequency treatment that will stimulate your body’s natural rejuvenation process to produce fantastic results.

When you arrive, we’ll be able to answer any last-minute questions you may have. Then we’ll take you to a private treatment room where you’ll be able to relax.

It’s normal to be concerned about any treatment aimed at your most intimate areas, but you have nothing to worry about. You don’t need any anesthesia, and there’s no need for numbing cream. This is entirely painless. We’ll apply the radiofrequency energy to your inner and outer tissues in a safe, discrete environment with a small, wand-like device. The most you’ll feel is some gentle warming followed by pleasant cooling.

The whole process takes just about 30 minutes, and there’s no recovery time or need to worry about side effects. You can go right back to your job, go pick up the kids from school, or head to the gym. You can have sex that same day.

Our first step will be to cleanse the treatment area for your safety. Then we’ll apply a gel. This gel serves two purposes. First, it protects the skin from the thermal energy generated by the device. Second, it allows us to move the device freely to reach every area effectively.

Most people don’t need any kind of numbing cream for this treatment, as it’s perfectly comfortable. If you’re concerned about discomfort or simply don’t want to feel anything at all, talk to us about your options.

Treatment is done using a small, handheld piece that easily fits into the vaginal canal. Most women find this comfortable and experience no pain. We will move the wand around to reach the entire area. As it moves, the device emits radiofrequency energy that stimulates your body to renew and rejuvenate the cells, tighten the skin, and improve blood flow to the vaginal area.

The device delivers cryogen-cooled radiofrequency, which allows for gentle, even heating at the moment of treatment and effective cooling immediately after. That’s the secret to a comfortable experience and why you don’t need to worry about burns or any damage to the skin.

Immediately after treatment, we’ll give you a list of instructions that will include anything particularly applicable to your situation. However, in general, we suggest that people do much the same after treatment as they did before: avoid alcohol, caffeine, and tobacco for a day, drink plenty of water, and moisturize whenever they feel they need it.

Remember that immediately following treatment, your body will be producing new collagen and working to renew skin cells, blood vessels, muscle, and more. Our bodies need our support during times of renewal and regeneration, and you can support your body best by eating well, avoiding refined sugars and junk food, staying hydrated, and getting enough sleep.

The word “recovery” is almost too strong a term to be used in conjunction with this treatment. Most people go right back to their daily lives after treatment, whether that means picking up the kids from school, going back to work, running some errands, or getting in a session of light exercise.

The only things we may suggest are that you abstain from vaginal intercourse and heavy, sweat-inducing exercise for a few days after treatment. This will allow you to avoid all possibility of irritation and get you the best possible results.

Get Started or Learn More

If you’re suffering from vaginal laxity or find sex less enjoyable then before, consider Vaginal Rejuvenation.

To learn more or get started on your initial consultation, contact us today at West Coast Women’s Reproductive Center in Sherman Oaks, CA. Women’s health and wellness is our passion. We’ve helped many women reverse the symptoms of vaginal aging, and we can’t wait to help you.

To learn more about vaginal rejuvenation with Viveve, book an appointment with West Coast Women’s Reproductive Center today!

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